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Blooms That Bambi Won't Bite: Deer-Resistant Plants for Pittsburgh and Surrounding Areas

Pittsburgh's lush landscapes and surrounding areas boast a rich tapestry of flora, but local gardeners often find themselves facing a common challenge – deer munching on their meticulously cultivated plants.

The struggle is real, but fear not! Here's a few of our favorite varieties of deer-resistant plants that can thrive in Pittsburgh and its neighboring regions, allowing you to create a stunning garden that withstands Bambi's appetite.


Lavender (Lavandula spp.): Known for its fragrant blooms and silvery foliage, lavender is a versatile perennial that deer tend to avoid. Its aromatic qualities make it a double win, providing both beauty and a natural deterrent.

Boxwood (Buxus spp.): Boxwoods are evergreen shrubs that add structure and elegance to any garden. These hardy plants are not only resistant to deer browsing but also withstand various weather conditions, making them a reliable choice for Pittsburgh gardens.

Salvia (Salvia spp.): Salvia, or sage, is a group of flowering plants that come in various colors and sizes. Their strong scent and slightly fuzzy leaves make them less appealing to deer, while their vibrant blooms attract pollinators, creating a lively and

deer-resistant garden.

Daffodils (Narcissus spp.): Deer typically steer clear of daffodils due to their toxic nature. These spring-blooming bulbs offer a burst of color and can be planted in large drifts to create eye-catching displays throughout the garden.

Forsythia (Forsythia spp.): Forsythia is a hardy, fast-growing shrub known for its bright yellow flowers that signal the arrival of spring. Its arching branches and dense growth habit make it unappealing to deer, providing a low-maintenance option for deer-resistant landscaping.


Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia): With its silver-gray foliage and spikes of lavender-blue flowers, Russian Sage is not only drought-tolerant but also resistant to deer. This perennial adds an airy, ethereal quality to gardens, making it a popular choice for Pittsburgh landscapes.

Coneflowers (Echinacea spp.): Coneflowers, with their bold and striking blooms, are not high on the menu for deer. These native perennials attract butterflies and pollinators while adding color and texture to your garden.

Japanese Pieris (Pieris japonica): Japanese Pieris is an evergreen shrub with attractive, leathery leaves and cascading clusters of small, bell-shaped flowers. Deer tend to avoid this plant, making it a suitable choice for foundation plantings or woodland gardens.

Sedum (Sedum spp.): Sedums, also known as stonecrops, are succulent perennials that come in various shapes and sizes. Their fleshy leaves and often late-season blooms make them a less appealing option for deer grazing.

Bee Balm (Monarda spp.): Bee Balm, with its aromatic foliage and vibrant, tubular flowers, is a favorite among pollinators. Fortunately, deer tend to avoid this plant, allowing you to enjoy its beauty without the worry of deer damage.


Creating a garden that withstands deer browsing in Pittsburgh and its surrounding areas involves thoughtful plant selection. By incorporating these deer-resistant plants, you can cultivate a beautiful and thriving landscape that remains untouched by the local wildlife. Remember to consider your specific growing conditions, such as soil type and sunlight, to ensure the success of your deer-resistant garden. Happy gardening!

Feel like this list is too short? No worries! Click-Here  to see one of our favorite books on deer resistant plants or contact us and we'll help you with planning a gorgeous garden oasis in you're backyard.


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